Pest Control

Kafmar Environmental Services LLP are licensed by the Directorate of Agriculture to sell and distribute Pest Control products. We are also direct distributors of Bayer and Arbuda product range and offer competitive B2B pricing for commercial institutions.

Kafmar also provides pest eradication and pest prevention treatment measures for both private homes and businesses. We already provide services to numerous hotels, resort, restaurants and homes all across Goa and even undertake projects in the rest of India.

When taking care of pests it is important to understand the problem and not just spray harmful chemicals which will take care of the visible insects. We understand the different insects and find long term solutions to the problem and use the right products which will transfer to the hive and wipe out the maximum number of pests. While some of the products we use offer a 2 to 3 year estimated protection, we recommend at least once a year pest control service routine.